miscarriage Tag

I’d been fighting infertility for 8 years before I managed to save up enough money to look at IVF (solo). The doctor appeared optimistic which gave me hope. After my egg retrieval I had 3 embryos at hand. My first transfer was clouded with the...

July 26th 1974, at 27 weeks pregnant I gave birth to baby girl. The nurse pulled 2 blue paper towels from a roll, wrapped my baby in one and placenta in the other and left the room with both. Then I was taken to the ward...

I received a phone call from my girlfriend at the time to say she had started to bleed. When we first visited the hospital for a check up we were told that everything looked ok. It was until the scan the next day where it revealed...

I am currently recovering from post haemorrhagic anaemia from a miscarriage. I had nurtured and nourished this bean, and yes, even given my baby a name. I am planting an autumn flowering ceanothus in memory of Yolanda. I need to grieve, and whatever the reason for a...

Me and my partner started our IVF/ICSI journey in January 2022. All was going successful until I had my frozen embryo transfer in August, and then when we attended the 8 week scan at ACS Glasgow Royal Infirmary we got told the news we feared hearing,...

I’d given up hope of fulfilling my dream of becoming a mummy. So when I found ‘The One' my dream got closer to reality. We were ecstatic when we got pregnant, naturally, at age 41! I was heartbroken when at 9 weeks I miscarried our...

Joseph was born June 26th 1983 at 28 weeks and Joseph lived for 9 hours. We lost his twin at 3 months and his sister on 23rd March 1982 at 24 weeks after suffering a stillbirth. These dates are ingrained in my memory and I can...

I found out I was pregnant in May 2015 - it was a complete surprise but we were so excited. Our 12 week scan went brilliantly and no problems were detected, however at our 20 week scan we heard those heart-wrenching words ‘there is no...

After waiting for almost two years for this pregnancy to happen, after so many prayers, tears, so many sleepless nights, hundreds of appointments and scans, tonnes of hormones and injections, finally our first-ever baby showed up on the pregnancy test. We couldn’t believe it, we...

I'm 22 and have recently lost my first baby to a late miscarriage. My pregnancy was going well, there were no known complications detected at my 12 week scan, and I was having a low-risk pregnancy.At 17 weeks and 5 days, I began to experience...