miscarriage Tag

  The last 4 plus years have been difficult for my wife, Liv and I with what the doctors can only describe as ‘unexplained infertility’. Although we took some comfort knowing there was nothing 'medically' wrong, it was hard not having any form of explanation as...

In October 2012, after a miscarriage which I had six months prior, I found out that I was pregnant. After 12 weeks, I was back and forth to hospital with on-and-off bleeding and was put on antibiotics for infections. However, the baby looked healthy and...

I had a miscarriage in 2015 and had a successful pregnancy in 2017, giving birth to my son. In early 2020, we decided to try for a sibling for our son. In February, we found out we were pregnant, however, in March I found out from...

We struggled to start a family suffering a miscarriage after our first attempt and a further three ectopic pregnancies which resulted in three lots of emergency surgery and the removal of both fallopian tubes. After all the trauma we had a successful round of IVF and we...

  My husband and I were so excited to be expecting! We took extra care with everything we did. We told his family the great news and everyone was so happy. Everything was going great! We started planning, then one day, my biggest nightmare happened. My husband left...

  We have lost our four angels and I have felt so alone in this. But I want to normalise it and I hope it helps others. Our first two were lost at home through a natural miscarriage and it wasn't till much later I really...

Broken Empty, numb, with a distraught mind, feeling like a piece of me has died inside. That gaping hole longing to be a mum, forever grieving Brandon, my first son. Whose life was cut short far too soon, now united with the angels, shining from the moon.   It’s been two months, yet I’m...