Author: Adrian Brown

This year, during Baby Loss Awareness Week we will be exploring the idea of Stepping Stones and how this relates to each person's bereavement journey.   After pregnancy loss or the death of  baby, bereaved parents and other family members find themselves on a new path they...

Broken Empty, numb, with a distraught mind, feeling like a piece of me has died inside. That gaping hole longing to be a mum, forever grieving Brandon, my first son. Whose life was cut short far too soon, now united with the angels, shining from the moon.   It’s been two months, yet I’m...

We understand that Mother's Day can be a difficult time for mums and anyone affected by the death of a baby.   We are here to support you.   Below is a list of resources from our Alliance organisations that are filled with support, stories, advice and general wellbeing...

Born Still Still remember the loss Still remember being left Still remember the fear Still remember the reality Still remember your birth Still remember the sadness Still remember the silence Still remember the feelings Still remember empty Still remember time stopping Still remember shock Still remember how lost Still remember the what if’s Still remember YOU Still Born! 3rd...

I realise it isn't your typical 'this is what happened to me' story. But I wrote this when I returned to work last year, following the death of my eldest twin Henry who was born at 24 weeks, and I would love to share it...

We’re lucky - we have a gorgeous, wonderful rainbow, an amazing miracle amidst the losses. An early miscarriage shattering our rose tinted glasses, followed soon after by a missed miscarriage with painful medical management. And then a year of trying before an anxious, never relaxed pregnancy...

I'm gonna be a father! It was the morning of the 21st of November 2020, I believe it was a Saturday when I was lying in bed, half-asleep. My girlfriend Lisa got out of bed to go to the toilet. A few moments later, I heard...

The television was loud and the children were laughing; I was surrounded by activity but I felt I was all alone. Suddenly my heart sank and I knew instinctively something was wrong. My heart started pounding, the palms of my hands were clammy and I could...