
2016 was the year. My husband and I decided we were ready to try for a child. Having already had a four-year-old daughter, we were keen to give her a sibling. We were in good health and were happy, so it really felt like a...

My name is Katie, here is my story: I was pregnant back in 2018, after losing a baby prior it was worrying. However everything was perfect. I went to my 20 week scan, although very anxious, everything was going well. We decided to do a...

Eddie and I made the decision to try for our much-wanted family and by March 2019, I was pregnant. We were both so happy. Having supportive families, we told them early on. Naturally I was a little anxious but nothing prepared us for the journey we...

I suffered an ectopic pregnancy in 2016 which resulted in surgery to remove my baby and fallopian tube. I had no symptoms other than a speck of blood and was told when mentioning it to a midwife that it was probably implantation bleeding and was nothing...

Sophie was my third child and my first daughter. We very much wanted a little girl to complete our family. Back in 1982, scans were only done if there was any problems. I had a very good pregnancy, no problems at all. When I was 40...

I'd had the “perfect pregnancy” and was down for a home birth. Things didn't progress and at 42 weeks I was booked in for an induction. We dropped our son off at my parents’ and made our way to hospital ready to meet our little...

This year, during Baby Loss Awareness Week we will be exploring the idea of Stepping Stones and how this relates to each person's bereavement journey.   After pregnancy loss or the death of  baby, bereaved parents and other family members find themselves on a new path they...

  The last 4 plus years have been difficult for my wife, Liv and I with what the doctors can only describe as ‘unexplained infertility’. Although we took some comfort knowing there was nothing 'medically' wrong, it was hard not having any form of explanation as...

  He may not say it, he may not show it, he just isn’t programmed that way But his heart is broken, and he too carries the grief, through every moment, of every day He lost his baby too   He wipes away her tears, then when no-one’s around he...