Emily’s story

Emily's story

Emily’s story

In January 2021 Emily made the heart-breaking decision to terminate her pregnancy, after he was diagnosed in a 20-week scan with Myelomeningocele, the most severe type of spina bifida. 

Emily says: “I honestly thought I would fight for my baby, and I have always said that nothing would stop me having my baby – but seeing the diagnosis in black and white changed this. Understanding just how badly Joel’s quality of life would have been and also how this would impact on my three children’s lives, meant there really wasn’t another choice in my mind.

“I will forever question how Joel would have been if we continued with the pregnancy despite being confident we made the best choice for Joel. He was so strong holding on to meet Mummy and Daddy, which always makes me think, would he have been a miracle child and been ok? But we worked off the facts and made the hardest decision of our life.  

“Losing a child is tough beyond words but there is so much love and support out there to pull you through the dark days. It really made me appreciate people and how kind and generous other human beings can be”

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

ARC (Antenatal Results and Choices) is the only national charity helping parents and healthcare professionals through antenatal screening and its consequences. More information at www.arc-uk.org/home

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