Welcome to Baby Loss Awareness Week 2021 and our theme of wellbeing

Introduction to Baby Loss Awareness Week

Welcome to Baby Loss Awareness Week 2021 and our theme of wellbeing

From the moment your baby dies, your world changes forever. And there are no simple answers to grief; it is a journey to a new way of living, and how you look after yourself is different for everyone. Grief is a personal and unique emotion and so are the ways that people find to feel better. ​

You might want to talk or write about your experience. For some people, sharing your story can help make sense of your loss and celebrate your baby or babies. Or perhaps you simply want to hear about other people’s experiences and know you are not alone. ​

There are lots of ways you might find comfort after the loss of a baby. Whether it be through music, writing, a hobby, objects, or being in a place where you feel closest to them. You may also find that being active or getting outdoors can make a big difference to both your physical and mental wellbeing.​

Each day during the Week we’ll be sharing the stories of people who’ve found different ways to look after their wellbeing. Today we’re sharing Anthony and Leanne’s stories.

This Baby Loss Awareness Week, we’d like you to join our conversations about what wellbeing means for you. Whether you’re a mum, dad, partner, relative or friend, newly or longer-ago bereaved. We’d love for you to be a part of this important community.​

Let’s find out how we can all look after ourselves so we can look after each other. If you would like to, please share your experiences, ideas and tips on social media tagged #BLAW2021 ​

Together we can all help build a world where anyone touched by pregnancy and baby loss can get the support they need in the way that works for them.

Each day during Baby Loss Awareness Week 2021 we will be exploring a different topic:

Saturday 9 October

Introduction to the week and the theme of wellbeing

Sunday 10

Looking after yourself

Monday 11

Looking after those who provide care and support and those on the frontline

Tuesday 12

Looking after siblings (children and adults)

Wednesday 13

Looking after partners

Thursday 14

Looking after each other as a community (including the workplace)

Friday 15

Remembering your baby and Wave of Light

Tips on looking after your wellbeing

The following tips are simply suggestions that we hope may be helpful, but it’s all about finding what works for you.

You could:

  • Spend time in a place that helps you feel calm ​
  • Write to your baby or leave them voice notes or video messages – you can talk about what you’ve been doing, how you’re feeling, whatever you want to say.​
  • Listen to music that helps you feel closer to your baby, you could start with something which matches your mood and gradually move to hopeful or energising pieces​.
  • Plant a tree or flowers in memory of your baby or babies and try to make time to look after your own memory garden. Enjoy nature and the calm which comes from seeing growth and re-birth all around us​.
  • Use your natural creativity to express yourself through poetry, painting, pottery, or making music can be really helpful​.
  • Walk, run, wheel, swim, cycle – getting outdoors or exercising indoors can help release stress and boost mental and physical wellbeing​.
  • Try team activities like sport, singing, playing games – with people who’ve experienced baby loss – this can help you feel secure and understood. You don’t have to talk about your loss – simply being together can be enough​.
  • Explore meditation, which can calm your thoughts and help you feel more at peace – there are lots of apps that you can try e.g. Headspace, Calm
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