Sangeeta’s story

Sangeeta’s story

My husband and I were so excited to be expecting! We took extra care with everything we did. We told our family the great news and everyone was so happy, everything was going great!

We started planning, then one day, my biggest nightmare happened at 20 weeks.

I woke up at 6am and felt the urge to go to the toilet and saw that I was bleeding. I just froze!

I quickly ran to wake up my husband and we went straight to the hospital.

We arrived and I was told I was fully dilated; my baby would deliver at any time soon. We both started crying and gave each other a hug and my husband kept reminding me that everything will be okay.

Our beautiful son, Aryan, was born 2 July, 2022. He came out sucking his thumb and was the most perfect being I had ever seen. He looked so perfect, a little nose, and 10 tiny fingers and he looked exactly like his father.

In the moments between the time I laid my eyes on him and when the doctors handed him to me, Aryan was alive. He managed to survive for 45 minutes.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Sands supports anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby and works to save babies’ lives. Contact their Helpline via phone (0808 154 3332) or email, or visit their Support Groups online or via Zoom.

Tommy’s is the largest UK pregnancy and baby loss charity, funding research into stillbirth, premature birth and miscarriage. Dedicated to finding causes and treatments to save babies’ lives as well as providing trusted pregnancy and baby loss information and support. For more information and support visit

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