Genevieve’s story

Genevieve’s story

My daughter, Isabel, died at 4 months of age as a result of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

In 2012 the impossible happened…. well we thought it was impossible. Our day started out as an ordinary Monday and by 4pm we had lost our youngest child. Our precious 4-month-old, healthy daughter Isabel died, suddenly and without explanation due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  It is a condition that to this day is largely unexplained with only 1 in 10,000 babies affected. This wasn’t something that happened to us, or anyone we knew, but it did.

Genevieve Bow with Isabel and family

Through love and support and a determination we decided to not let this great tragedy define our lives. Our eldest daughter, Mia, deserved a happy life as well. I can confidently say we not only survived this unthinkable loss but thrived as a family, living a full and, dare I say, happy life, a concept that seemed impossible at the time.

We keep Isabel in our hearts and tried to inspire others through our story.  We went on to have our rainbow baby Ella and to travel the world through work and life, choosing to live the fullest life we could.

Genevieve Bow and family

I’m in the process of writing a book on my surviving and thriving after loss and when it’s done I would love to share it far and wide with anyone who needs that hope xx

– Genevieve Bow

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

The Lullaby Trust offer confidential bereavement support to anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or young child.

Sands is here to support anyone affected by the death of a baby. Sands’ free Helpline is available on 0808 164 3332 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday and 6-9pm Tuesday and Thursday evenings. You can also email for support.

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