Rianna’s Story

Rianna’s Story

Before the COVID-19 lockdown had started I found out I was pregnant with my second baby. I was feeling very tired, kept fainting and had bleeding which appeared like a period so I was referred to the early pregnancy unit for a scan. I was told everything was ok and that the baby was doing great.

I reached 12 weeks and was due to find out my baby’s gender. I was so excited. However, the nurse gave me some upsetting news that the babies heart valve on the left side wasn’t functioning properly. I was then told that the baby seemed to have cleft palate. I was completely broken. I was then referred to a specialist pregnancy unit to have an invasive test. It was identified that the baby had Patau’s Syndrome.



I was told that:

  • The baby wouldn’t survive past 1 years old.
  • That I’d possibly give birth to a still born.
  • Or have to terminate the pregnancy.

At 18 weeks I decided to terminate and it was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. My heart will forever be broken. On 20/04/20 I said goodbye to my angel.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Sands supports anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby and works to save babies’ lives. Contact their Helpline via phone (0808 154 3332) or email, or visit their Support Groups online or via Zoom.

1 Comment
  • Gina
    Posted at 16:53h, 20 August

    💔 I pray for healing! Your beautiful buns would be so proud of you!