Emma’s Story

Emma’s Story

I suffered an ectopic pregnancy in 2016 which resulted in surgery to remove my baby and fallopian tube.

I had no symptoms other than a speck of blood and was told when mentioning it to a midwife that it was probably implantation bleeding and was nothing to worry about, but my intuition was telling me something wasn’t right so I waited a week and asked for an early scan.

I was given a trans vaginal scan. No baby was found, so I was sent home and then called back to say I was still pregnant and need further tests. I had another scan and was told that it was ectopic and I was eight weeks pregnant.

I went on to conceive naturally three months later but I never bonded with my bump. It was an awful pregnancy and I was developing anxiety. When the baby was born the cord was wrapped around his neck in three loops and he was whisked away after a few seconds on me.

I could not bond with my baby and it wasn’t until he was 11 months old that I finally had that rush of love. I believe I had post-natal depression stemming from the loss of my previous pregnancy.



There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust focuses on early pregnancy loss through ectopic pregnancy. It is the only charity focusing on ectopic pregnancy in providing such extensive general information and peer support for anyone experiencing the condition. For more information and support visit www.ectopic.org.uk.

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