Social Media Assets

Below you can download a selection of profile pictures, banners and other post images you can use and download. If you have any questions or have a suggestion for another type of image to help you promote Baby Loss Awareness Week please email

Profile Picture

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

P&B_ProfileImages_02_profile picture date

Download below

Social Media Banners

‘Proud to turn’ banners

‘I’m supporting’ banners

‘We’re supporting’ banners

Social Media Posts – Square

Please download and post these images from your personal channels. (Top tip: as these are square, they look best on Facebook and Instagram!)

Social Media Posts – Landscape

Please download and post these images from your personal channels. (Top tip: as these are landscape, they look best on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!)

Customisable Posts

Please click on the button below the graphic to browse and edit your own personal post!