Andrea’s Story

Andrea’s Story

I’d had the “perfect pregnancy” and was down for a home birth. Things didn’t progress and at 42 weeks I was booked in for an induction. We dropped our son off at my parents’ and made our way to hospital ready to meet our little boy.

They were busy at the hospital and told us we would have a wait. They eventually came and did my checks, got the doppler to check the heartbeat. It had always been difficult to find and I could see they were struggling. The midwife decided to get another machine and still couldn’t find the heartbeat.

I was sent to delivery for a scan when we received those devastating words: “we’re sorry but there is no heartbeat”. Lee and I were in shock and couldn’t take it in. Ruth, the specialist midwife came to talk to us about what would happen. We then had to inform my mum and dad along with a couple of friends.

Eventually they induced me ready to give birth. The labour lasted 12 hours and eventually Finlay was born at 5.40am on 5th September 2010, absolutely perfect.




There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Sands supports anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby and works to save babies’ lives. Contact their Helpline via phone (0808 154 3332) or email, or visit their Support Groups online or via Zoom.

Making Miracles deliver a range of services including, professional counselling service for trauma and loss, baby trauma and bereavement care to the whole family. Contact them via phone (01622 735230).

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